In general, Republicans tend to take a more conservative stand on issues. They believe that the federal government should not play a big role in people's lives. Most Republicans favor lower taxes and less government spending on social programs. They believe in less government intervention in business and the economy.
There are quite a few birds famous for doing ritualized mating dances, so I would only list 5:
The Red Capped Manakin,
The Black-footed albatross,
The Western and Clark's grebe,
The Superb bird of Paradise,
& The Victoria's riflebird.
One example of a reserved power that affects your daily life is the right to a driver's license.
The WPA created jobs for the unemployed.
The Works Progress Administration was established in 1935, under the Franklin D. Roosevelt administration.
The WPA did employ artists and musicians and actors and such, but the WPA was only for American citizens, as the country worked to fight its way out of the Great Depression.
People weren't paid to remain unemployed. Rather, the government created projects for which they hired persons to do work.
WPA projects included some building of roads, bridges and other public projects, but the national interstate highway system was something done later in US history, under the Eisenhower administration.
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