B, this was part of Roosevelt's New Deal which was meant to help those who were suffered from the Great Depression. Some administration were the CCC and WPA.
<span>Slobodan Milosevic
He resigned in 2000 following demonstrations in Serbia. However, the prime minister extradited him to the ICC. He refused to appoint defense for his case arguing that the courts was illegal. He died five years later from heart ailments. the court later acquitted him of any crime, but held he was responsible for not prosecuting the genocide perpetrators.
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Suffering should be avoided. I am a Buddhist and Buddhism is built on the fact that humans are suffrage, we create our own suffering by being selfish and wanting to much and never giving it back. That is why when you find enlightenment you are not only finding your soul but you have everything you need and want.
It was <span>Andrew Carnegie.</span>
They had a war and lots died but america won