Answer:<u> Those</u> is a demonstrative pronoun.
- We use demonstrative pronouns when we want to point to something specific. These pronouns identify objects/people in time or space.
- There are demonstrative pronouns in both singular and plural form.
- Moreover, there are demonstrative pronouns that are near in time/distance (<em>this, these</em>) and far in time/distance (<em>that, those</em>).
- Demonstrative pronoun <em>those</em> used in this sentence is a demonstrative pronoun used for plural. It is far in distance/time.
The meaning of this phrase is the hundreds people across campus who are unknown there was a guy who (I guess) stood out from the crowd.
I was a fat and plump lady
My name was aunt marble
As divine as can be
Helping the frogs
As clear as can freaking be
subject is the topic on which the story have to be written. and theme of the story is that what you are trying to explain in the story or in words the moral.
The answer is a. based on that sentence you can infer that it would be a because it’s talking about what the girl is saying