Based on The Riddle of the Rosetta Stone, the statement that best describes the influence Thomas Young had on the work of Jean-François Champollion is Through changes made to some of Young's findings, Champollion was able to decipher some of the Rosetta Stone hieroglyphs.
Thomas Young and Jean-François Champollion were considered rivals, but ironically they work indirectly together since Thomas Young was the first in deciphering the Rosetta Stone hieroglyphs, but after being incapable of finish it, Jean-François Champollion succeeded after taking young's prior work and complemented it to fully decipher it.
create a key-word outline
The key word outline refers to taking a paragraph of words or a speech and going sentence by sentence so as to extract the words that will make up the main and important idea. It means that a student or a person writes the main word or the key word for the entire sentence which provides the meaning of the sentence.
The keyword must contain the most important points of the sentence and should bring out the meaning of the sentence in one point.
Thus in the context, Natasha, a student should make a key word outline of the speech about the Chinese New Year for which she is taking notes of.
1. stanza: group of lines in a poem
2. vernacular: common or everyday language
3. trochee: two syllable meter with the accent on the second syllable
4. meter: beat or rhythm of poetry
5. iamb: two syllable meter with the accent on the first syllable
1. stanza: a group of lines in a poem
A stanza is known to be part of a poem, often in two or more lines. It is normally depicted with a separate spacing from other stanza or indented. It may contain metrical lengths and regular rhymes
2. vernacular: common or everyday language.
Vernacular is a local variation of the standard language. It is spoken without following the standard rule of a language. It can be termed as a dialect.
3. trochee: two-syllable meter with the accent on the second syllable
This is a two-syllable foot that starts with a long syllable and is followed by a short syllable.
4. meter: beat or rhythm of poetry
This is considered as the fundamental of a rhythmic structure of a line. It is utilized in a poem. A line of meter contains five iambs in a pattern of long or short syllables.
5. iamb: two-syllable meter with the accent on the first syllable
This contains two syllables which start with a short syllable and them followed by a long syllable.