El Cambio climatico es peligroso porque el calor está derritiendo los glaciares y el hielo marino, cambiando los patrones de precipitación y poniendo a los animales en movimiento. El cambio climático abarca no solo el aumento de las temperaturas medias, sino también los fenómenos meteorológicos extremos, el cambio de las poblaciones y los hábitats de la vida silvestre, el aumento del nivel del mar y una serie de otros impactos. Todos estos cambios están surgiendo a medida que los humanos continúan agregando gases de efecto invernadero que atrapan el calor en la atmósfera.
Proverbs 12:15 (KJV) says, "The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise." During the time described in Judges 21:25, the people of Israel had no one to guide them in the law of God and experienced series of disasters and defeats. As they did according to their own beliefs not unto the law, they fell into wickedness and drew farther way from God. This was why God sent Israel the Judges, so the people could see their wrongdoings and repent, returning the nation to victory.
1) suffering
2) suffering
When he went outside the palace, he saw famine, old age, starvation, and other ways that people suffered in life that he had not been exposed to before.
When he lived as a monk, he wanted to find the meaning of this suffering.
C.1 because it is the only responsible answer
The answer is cannot be punished. The right to due process and fair trial is guaranteed by the fifth amendment and it states that a person cannot be punished until the law has been fairly applied. This amendment also protects people for being sentenced twice for the same crime and allows people to remain silent if they wish.