C. Friar Laurence's advice had fortified her; she does not view death as something to be afraid of.
100% positive, from a girl who took this quiz awhile ago
I could scarcely "contain" - <span>to keep under proper control; restrain:</span><span>(Example) He could not contain his <span>amusement.
*Note* already within the first eight words you can indicate phycotic feelings
"and he not even to dream of my secret deeds or thoughts"
(Definitions of "secret")
1. </span></span>faithful or cautious in keeping confidential matters confidential; close-mouthed; <span>reticent.
2. </span>done, made, or conducted without the knowledge of others:<span>secret <span>negotiations.
Conclusion </span></span>statement:
Edgar Allan. Poe is mentally psychotic, thought the whole short passage he basically supports my own theory for himself.
(Dictionary was used in the making of this answer)
100% it can be appropriate. It isnt always gun to be right and suprising the audience can always improve your work just as long as you foreshadow and raise the expactations not lower them hope i helped☺️