Wilson goals to defeat the central powers.
Robber Barons Definition: These men earned the title of 'Robber Barons' due to their greed and ruthlessness, their unethical business practices, unscrupulous tactics and their total lack of concern for their workers, their customers or their competitors. ... The power of the Robber Barons grew.
The French and Indian War was fought by French colonists allied with the Hurons Native Americans against the British colonists with their Iroquois Native American allies.
French and Hurons vs. British and Iroquois
The North was occupied by the people of western England and mirrored their philosophy of hard word. The middle colonies were established by the people of Ireland and reflected their Celtic attitude of do enough to get the job done. The Deep South was settled by Prisoners in Georgia and political prisoners in Carolina (there was no north and south yet. These people were trying to establish a way of life that was distanced from that of Europe.
can you give like an excerpt or something to go off of please sir/ma'am?