Answer: exploitation
Explanation: points you can write about :
unfair trade - cash crops. poorer countries trade raw materials, it gets manufactured and sold back at a higher price
former colonies
Frank's dependency theory, the core exploits the periphery
you could also argue that the statement isn't true, geographical location can impact development. e.g. mountains and being landlocked makes it hard to trade.
climate can impact crops, regular extreme weather events make it hard to develop.
hope this helped!
Be more pacific im confused on what u are trying to ask
B) Japan
The pollution export hypothesis suggests the need for capital control and foreign trade operations. The economic policy implications of the Jones and Manuelli model suggest that developed countries such as Japan that are not able to establish efficient anti-pollution policies could benefit from international assistance that allows them to establish efficient control institutions. Finally, the equilibrium models discussed imply that any public policy that accelerates the transition from corner solutions to interior solutions would be beneficial for the environment. Normally, these public policies should be policies to promote economic growth and increase investments for the improvement of the environment.
Ans 1) The approximate elevation of wonderland lake is about 5500 feet, because it lies in the vicinity of the ridge where peak are having contour values upto 6600 feet and the wonderland lake lies on the lower contour of near about 5500 feet.
Ans 2) The peak elevation of poorman hill is 6485 feet as it can easily seen in the map that the highest contour value us 6485 feet. Poorman hill is lying in this contour value.
Ans 3) It is clearly seen and observed from the map that the elevation of the poorman hill is about 6485 feet where as the elevation of the boulder creek present at the south of poorman hill is less than 6000 feet. Thus poorman hill has higher elevation as compared to bank of boulder creek.
A census is the process of data collection and is the systematic acquisition of data about the given population.