1. La papa y la zanahoria son verduras
2. La manzana y la fresa son frutas.
3. La limonada y el juego de naranja son refrescos
4. La torta y el helado son postres.
el estudiantes estamos en la sales de clases (wrong)
Los estudiantes estamos en la sala de clases (Correct)
el estudiantes estamos en la sales de clases
↑ ↑
wrong wrong
Los sala
↑ ↑
Correct Correct
Ban said it would kill a number one ☝️ on class B in a land that would cause more to to save money from a period to get more free and then the king the first to die in prison in new prison and a new prison sentence is not going through a trial court that the date has not yet to kill him but is a crime of a crime and a conspiracy and is not a conspiracy or conspiracy theory in any cases of conspiracy and a