The mother country did this to protect its trade from suffering loss. Achenwall's Observations on North America Gottfried Achenwall.
<span>C) Collective bargaining ensures equality and protects the flow of business.
In the 16th century, Martin de Azpilcueta theorized that the inflation in Europe at the time was caused by Speculation on the Dutch tulip market.
If your wondering <em>who Martin de azpilcueta is then read the below.</em>
Martín de Azpilcueta, or Doctor Navarrus, was an important Spanish canonist and theologian in his time, and an early economist, the first to develop monetarist theory
The Second Continental Congress convened in Philadelphia in the summer of 1775, shortly after the war with the British had begun. It was preceded by the First Continental Congress in the fall of 1774.
I hope this helps! Good Luck! ;)