The answer is below
Following his encounter with the Native Americans in 1501, Amerigo Vespucci, widely known as one of the foremost European explorers at the time, had some beliefs about the native Americans which he later documented in 1502 to be as follows:
1. They have no religious belief
2. The walk around nakedly
3. They have no laws
The case is the minterint men.
The wounded knee massacre occurred in response to attacks from sioux indian warriors in white plantations
Conservative Romantic
Full Romantic
Nationalist Romantic
Conservative Romantic composers were those who retained the classical forms and guidelines. Schubert, Mendelssohn, and Brahms are examples of conservative Romantic composers.
Full Romantic composers were those who were more innovative and creative in the form and style of their works. Examples of full Romantic composers include Liszt, Mahler, and Chopin.
Nationalist Romantic composers were those who used the ethnic and national folk traditions in their work. An example of a nationalist Romantic composer is the Russian composer Tchaikovsky.