Prompt Think about something you have learned by viewing a video. It may be a part of history, the steps to completing a task, o
r maybe you got a close view of a city or town that you may not have otherwise been able to see. Think about the possible intention of the filmmaker and how the video was created. Tell what medium was used to deliver the video and explain how the video may have been recorded, such as a camcorder, and why you drew those conclusions. Then, give an explanation of your impression of the filmmaker’s goal in creating the video. It may have been filmed for educational purposes, for advertising, or even just for fun. Also include any pertinent details about the class of video, like whether it was a documentary or an instructional video and any special techniques that may have been used.
I learned in a video that not all people are the same. Some people may have depression, some people may be mean, some people may be nice. The intention of the filmmaker is to catch their audience's attention or portray a bigger message with the film. The medium used to deliver the video was a camera and a computer or laptop. I can concur that the video was filmed with a camera because that's the main way to capture film in the modern world. I believe the purpose of the video was to be poetic in a way or provide people with an understanding of others. The video was about living with adhd.
Videos I’ve watched are different than yours, but I’ll give you a prompt. Let’s say you’ve watched a... dog and cat video. Draw a cat, fishing through a large fish tank with their gray and white paw. The fish tank has 4 green fishes and 2 skinny orange fishes. The cat is sitting on a big wooden dresser next to a table which has the fish tank. The cat has a bright pink nose, and a white stripe on their head. Behind the cat, there is a big yellow Labrador Retriever dog. He is chasing his tail, with slobber coming from the side of his mouth. The dog’s ears are flapping, and his tail is about 2 inches away from his face. Next to the dog is a white bed, which has the confused pet owner recording it on video.
you shouldn't eat any shark, swordfish or marlin. You should also limit your tuna intake to no more than two 140g tuna steaks or four 140g cans of tuna per week. This is because these fish are slow growing and may contain more mercury than other types of fish, which can affect your baby's developing nervous system