You would be describing its Relative location
Definition: U-shaped valleys form through glacial erosion. Glaciation develops in established v-shaped river valleys where the ice erodes the surrounding rocks to create a “U” shaped valley with a flat bottom and steep sides. Glacier movement is driven by gravity
The earth's orbit is responcible
According to the article, jellyfish are invading the oceans near JAPAN. Fisherman in the area assert that the amount of fish and jellyfish in the waters have shifted drastically during their lifetime. There is a large abundance of jellyfish (making it difficult or impossible to fish some days) and a small number of other kinds of fish.
Humans may have caused this problem by over-fishing disrupting the balance of the underwater ecosystem. Jellyfish are eaten by some fish and compete with other species of fish. Also humans building docks, bridges, and other water infrastructures have led to a decline in habitat availability for jellyfish.
Hawaiian volcanoes- Hualalai, Mauna Loa and Maune Kea.