Section 2 British Red Cross Hospital
30 April 1915
Dear Mrs Allen,
You and your dear family have been very much in my thoughts during the past week and allow me assure you my deepest sympathy is with you in your sad loss. It has been my great privilege to nurse your dear husband whom I can never forget. He was such a brave splendid fellow and no soldier on the British battlefield could have done more for his Country than he, and no soldier could have died more bravely. All was so sudden - he walked from his work to this hospital in the evening about 9 o'clock only feeling ill in the afternoon. Two comrades assisted him along - his camp is only a very short distance away. They offered to carry him, but this he would not hear of. Immediately I saw him I saw he was ill and put him just as he was with boots on
On April 2, 1917, President Woodrow Wilson asked Congress to send U.S. troops into battle against Germany in World War I.
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