The federal government runs all the states combined, under common federal law, while the state, or provincial government, operates under local state-wide laws. ... The federal government is where the federal laws that are made by the US Congress, are applied, while the state government is where state-wide laws made.
The correct answer is that all of these are true events.
The Supreme Court helped in the reinforcement of the freedom of press when they stablished the First Amendment, when they applied it, some of it's free exercise clauses began reflecting an ongoing debate over balancing free exercise and majoritarian religious practice.
The economic principle that was most dominant was that of mercantilism. It was an economic theory where it was believed that in order to become the strongest nation, a country has to have production at highest possible levels, all so as to prevent others from exporting into the country that is producing.
The answer to this is "the polls", on in other words "surveys of public opinion".
The polls can for example look as follows:
51% of people prefer blue to red, and 49% prefer red to blue - this can for example inform toothpaste companies how to design their packaging.
Polls also help predict the result of political elections.