canned peaches like in the syrup stuff with pepper just like normal black pepper
"The condition is likely caused by a vitamin B12 deficiency."
Megaloblastic anemia is a condition caused by the reduction in the number of normal red blood cells that become large, immature and dysfunctional in the bone marrow. It occurs due to vitamin B12 and / or folic acid deficiency and the ingestion of drugs that impair DNA formation, such as some antibiotics and chemotherapy drugs.
This type of anemia is common in patients who have had the total gastrectomy procedure, since the stomach is the organ responsible for the absorption of vitamin B12. In case of withdrawal it is common that a deficiency develops in the body. The lack of vitamin B12 is related to hematological changes, especially anemia and neurological changes that can become severe. For this reason, replacement should be constant in these cases and only by injection, since digestive absorption of vitamin B12 is no longer possible.
Anthropometric measures are generally used to construct indicators of risk or nutritional damage. The most commonly used are weight, height, brachial perimeter, even when others can be incorporated (head circumference, skin folds, etc.). The measurements are interpreted according to age or related to each other: weight for height (P-T), weight for age (P-E) and height for age (T-E). These parameters can be used separately or together while the combination of indicators will allow a more real approach to the nutritional situation. These anthropometric indicators have been widely used in the nutritional assessment of populations and communities.
Another nutritional status indicator is the clinical examination, a practical method based on the detection of certain changes that are supposed to be related to inadequate nutrition and that can be seen in external epithelial tissues, such as skin, eyes, hair and the oral mucosa or in organs close to the surface of the body, such as parotids, thyroid or testicles. These signs often appear late and are not specific to the lack of a nutrient, although they are usually useful, as they allow to warn about the possible existence of various deficiencies, therefore, it is recommended that these findings be accompanied by laboratory tests relevant. It is important to emphasize that nutritional deficiencies are recognized more by biochemical tests than by clinical evaluations.
One could say that nutritional status is closely associated with the socioeconomic environment in which populations and individuals function. This environmental complexity of the territory occupied by individuals enables the recognition of homogeneous spaces inhabited by similar social groups, in which urban equipment and the provision of services, establish the particular conditions that determine the quality of life of the settled population. As urbanization progresses, heterogeneities arise in the areas that make up the city as well as situations of inequality among its individuals, which are masked but can be elucidated from social, nutritional and health indicators. An example of this is that the indicators show that the infant mortality rate is more related to the lack of access to drinking water and to the excrement system than to the number of families below the poverty line or the availability of health services
The 3rd one
but he should also jot down a list of questions he intends to ask during each call and should be writing down the responses he receives as well as any follow up numbers etc that he needs to call <span />