In the face of the greatest economic crisis in US history, the crisis-containment measures adopted by the Hoover administration were considered inadequate and aggravated the crisis. Hoover had a predilection for the free market and initially did nothing to contain the crisis. With the worsening of the situation, the president adopted some palliative measures, but insufficient to reverse the situation.
The situation required an energetic interference by the State in the credit and labor market, as well as a social protection plan. With liberal bias, Hoover did little and some of his measures intensified the crisis, such as raising taxes at a time of widespread breakdown. The crisis was only circumvented by President Roosevelt's New Deal plan, Hoover's successor, which was inspired by the interventionist ideas of economist John Keynes.
"<span>B. </span>1, 2, 4, 3" is the best answer as to the sequence of events in Texas history, but it should be noted that several major events are missing from the list.
Chronological thinking is the foundation of historical reasoning—the ability to examine relationships among historical events and to explain historical causality
Corruption of an electoral process could most likely arise from the desire of "foreign powers to gain an improper ascendant in our councils." To minimize risk of foreign machinations and inducements, the electoral college members would have only a "transient existence" and no elector could be a "senator, representative ...