The ten commandments ......
I think
The argument that Thurgood Marshall used to challenge the legality of segregation in Brown v. Board of Education was that “separate but equal” facilities were unequal and that it did great damage to black children as segregation was a form of discrimination that instilled a sense of inferiority to African Americans children and undermined their self-esteem. Consequently, it was a law that violated the 14th Amendment, an amendment that guaranteed all citizens equal protection of the laws.
The 1960s were one of the most tumultuous and divisive decades in world history, marked by the civil rights movement, the Vietnam War and antiwar protests, political assassinations and the emerging "generation gap."
Despite knowledge of the "Final Solution" and the desperate pleas of help, there was no real effort by the Allies to rescue the Jews.
The main Allied Powers were Great Britain, the U.S., the Soviet Union and China.