The soil is poor in nutrients. basin. makes good use of the rainforest land by raising food and earning income for Brazil.
We cannot see the options so we cant tell you, take a photo of the options
Um I can't answer cause I don't know what the problem is
Non point sources
A point source is usually a single known source of a pollution such as emission of toxic fluids from a company directly into water bodies.
Runoff of eroded soil and chemicals such as fertilizers and pesticides from cropland, feedlots, logged forests, urban streets, parking lots, lawns, and golf courses are examples of non point sources as there is no main known source of the pollution.
After reviewing the graph you posted with the question and also reviewing the 2011 reference tables, the estimated number of daylight hours that can occur on January 1 at 40° N latitude is 8.5 hours - 9.5 hours. Either of these will be correct to use.