comfortable surroundings can have many values first of all you can focus better, you can be more productive, and you can be in a peaceful mood.
elements are organized on the periodic table according to their atomic number
People being being mentally drained distracted by there jobs and school work to the point where they can’t focus on their mental or physical health, we should care because we need to start giving ourselves time to make sure we are stable enough and communicate with our families and try to not be consumed by technology
Festivals of Dionysus -> Plays of Aristophanes -> Tragedies written by Seneca -> Performances by traveling minstrels -> Tropes added to church services -> Mystery and morality plays
The single set of factors that best explain their responses is *Life-cycle factors*
Life cycle are stages we pass through out our lifetime as humans.
The choices of individuals are always different based on their life-cycle factors, especially with children. Life cycle factors are factors for assessing individuals choices or alternatives based on their age and present state of mind.
Though 4-year-old Fernando is very happy as he is still in adolescence stage which makes the transition very easy for him, while 13-year-old Jorge is quite unhappy, considering her age, there is a tendency she might have a very difficult time adjusting to the move.
The factors which determines their decision are their life-cycle factors.