The series titled 'Hated in the Nation'(Black Mirror) by Charlie Brooker displays the investigation of a series of deaths performed by the detectives, Blue Coulson and Karin Parke. The deaths were a consequence of the hatred that emerged from social media. It primarily displays the issue of cyberbullying and the technological plague that aimed to target the trending subjects on social media(used #s) and killing them.
1.- Wow! That is a great idea. I'd love to join you, but I have a softball tournament that day.
2- Uncle Carl said, "we would like you to come to the reunion." but my mom told him that we would not be able to make it.
3- Because I had a dentist appointment at 1:30 pm, I had to leave school early.
4- The story, called out in the woods, is one of my favorites.
Answer:the raven has a deep impact on the narrator and is – caused by its image created within the poem – a symbol of death. His role as a reminder of death is still current in the present day. The poem The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe influences a lot of people because it is one of the most read poems
hope this helps:)
I am unsure of the evidence, since it wasnt included. On the other hand, it is due to the fact that white speakers are more valued and trusted by the population in average.
I hope this helped!
~ Penny