Answer: Pedro 'Alvares Cabral.
He Was a Portuguese Explorer.
Explanation: ...
Es un río enclavado en la parte este del continente africano cuya cuenca alberga Uganda, Etiopía, Tanzania, Ruanda, Burundi, Kenia, Sudán, Sudán del Sur, Eritrea, República Democrática del Congo y, por supuesto, Egipto. Está conformado por 2 sistemas fluviales: el Nilo Azul en Etiopía y el Nilo Blanco en Burundi. El primero tiene su inicio en el lago Tana y se une al Blanco en Sudán, a través de unos 1,400 kilómetros. Por su parte, la fuente del Nilo Blanco es un poco confusa; es posible que el río Ruvyronza, un afluente del río Kagera, sea su fuente más remota. Excepto durante agosto y septiembre, el Nilo Azul provee menos del 20 por ciento del agua del Nilo.
1. There was a reduction of students in the school.
2. There seem to be "white flight". White students left the school
3. There was an abolishing of the school committee and replacement with a new one answerable to the Mayor.
Boston, an African-American community experienced school busing plans in the 1970s. This school busing required African-Americans students to be sent to white schools and white students to be sent to African-American schools. This was in the bid to achieve racial balance.
There was protest over this plan. This led to the Boston busing crisis. The school and city of Boston was impacted by the crisis.
The correct answer is D or four
cold war era conflicts
The Berlin conflict reached its peak when the soviet union, with the bid to stop migration of eastern Germans population to the west Germany controlled by the capitalists enacted the iron curtain. The soviet union also invaded Hungary to enforce its communist market ideas.
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