relative clause
it modifies noun phrase by some grammatical tools
my friend who is coming from America is coming to the dinner
here who is used to indicate the noun phrase
subject verb agreement
A subject and a verb must agree, even when other words or phrases come between them.
The flock of geese is flying south for the winter.
The subject is flock, so the verb should be is flying.
The Story of the Triangle Factory Fire, because it dealt with the aftermath of the fire.
Irony is an important element in the work of Sophocles. The plot of the tragedy takes shape in the way Oedipus is in the seek for salvation of the plague. He is determined to find the man responsible, however, ironically it is himself the one who caused it. Eyes are to allow us to see, but in the case of Oedipus it is also ironic that he has his sight in good condition, although he is unable and refuses to see the real truth. A third example of irony would be that Thiresias, a blind prophet, has the capacity to contemplate and see the actual origin of the suffering of Thebes, in spite of his physical inability.
essay writing provides facts, considers ideas, describes processes or
events, or analyzes themes, arguments, or other works that can be
interpreted. This essay must start with a strong introductory paragraph
that contains a thesis statement. The thesis statement should be clear,
short, and well-defined. Remember, the thesis statement is the writer’s
major point, argument, or essential idea and should be cautiously
narrowed to explain where the essay is headed.</span>
Proper nouns are always capitalized in English, no matter where they fall in a sentence. Because they endow nouns with a specific name, they are also sometimes called proper names. Every noun can be classified as either common or proper. A common noun is the generic name for one item in a class or group.