The Black Lives Matter protests have began to expose many racist cops. George Floyd (an african american) was killed by Derek Chauvin (a white male cop). This led to many peaceful protests beginning to occur throughout many states. Unfortunately, riots starts to occur leading to many small businesses and cities being destroyed in flames. President Trump decided to send out the military to try to contain this mass destruction. Yet, Trump kicked out his OWN SUPPORTERS from his rally who were colored. This led to people hating trump due to his MANY racist posts on via twitter and national news. People are now aware that Trump is trying to get Martial Law in play. The government also wants to limit the media’s freedom of speech. If anyone posts a tweet or anything bad about they government... it will be banned! This is known as the “Earn It Bill”.
Shakespeare's time was from about the middle of the end to the end of the Renaissance. One change from his time is woman's rights. Women were looked down upon when it came to many things like sailing and because of this, some became pirates. Two famous pirates from the renaissance were Grace O'Malley and Charlotte De Berry. Another change is that there were more governments with queens or kings and royalty/dynasties ruled instead of elected people.
IN unit 3 excerpt it is a Paradox
"The first 10 amendments to the Constitution make up the Bill of Rights. Written by James Madison in response to calls from several states for greater constitutional protection for individual liberties, the Bill of Rights lists specific prohibitions on governmental power."
I got this from a quizlet:) Check it out/reply if you need anything else.
The correct answer is the last one. Kilpatrick's article shares how White House staff feels about Nixon's resignation.
In the article, numerous aides and officials are quoted. Each gives his thoughts and/or opinions on Nixon's resignation. Many are sorry to see him go. Therefore the second option -- that the staff is unaffected -- is not correct.
The article does not say much about who will become president after Nixon. Furthermore, the staff itself is not changing; only Nixon is leaving. Therefore, the final answer is the correct one.