<u>82</u> years passed between the Monroe doctrine and its exten-sion the Roosevelt coro-llary.
In his annual mess-ages to Congress in 1904 and 1905, Presi-dent Theodore Roosevelt expan-ded the Monroe Doctrine. The corollary sta-ted that not only were the nati-ons of the Western Hemisphere not open to coloni-zation by European powers, but that the Uni-ted States had the respons-ibility to preserve order and pro-tect life and pro-perty in those countries.
In the history of United States foreign poli-cy, the Roosevelt Corollary was an add-ition to the Monroe Doctrine articul-ated by President Theodore Roosevelt in his State of the Uni-on address in 1904 after the Vene-zuelan crisis of 1902–1903.
To know more about Monroe Doctrine click below
Hi there!
First of all, I agree with the other answer. But also have my own :)
Utopianism is best defined as the aim of creating the perfect society.
I hope that helps!
John Jay spend most of the time during revolutionary war in Spain as a diplomat. He spent 3 year there garnering support for American Colonies in the Independence War. His mission was gaining financial support for Colonies and an alliance with Spain which entered the war on French side against Great Britain.
He also participated in Treaty of Paris in 1783 alogn with Benjamin Franklin and John Adams for negotiating with Britain the American independence.
He also helped the United States secure all land east of the Mississippi River, with the exception of British territories in Canada and Spanish territory in Florida, effectively doubling the size of the new nation.
The quote means that the whites will never admit the issue of racism and discrimination that the blacks were treated with.
The given quote is spoken by Malcolm X, an African-American human rights activist, popular for his civil rights leadership. Amidst fighting for the rights and unity of the African-Americans, he was shot dead while giving a speech at the Audubon Ballroom in Washington Heights.
The given quote from the historical personality is a metaphorical expression of racism and the identity of Black nationalism. But at the same time, he propagated the idea of the blacks as being their own foe, and their need to be united if they were to achieve any civil rights for themselves. By suggesting that <em>"progress is healing the wound that the blow made"</em>, he is talking about the issue of racism that the whites had propagated, that the whites are superior to the blacks. His statement that<em> "they won't even admit the knife is there"</em> suggests that the whites won't admit racism is there, let alone accept the pain and discrimination they've been treated with. The knife here represents the racism, the prejudice against the blacks.
Big Stick policy, in American history, policy popularized and named by Theodore Roosevelt that asserted U.S. domination when such dominance was considered the moral imperative.
Roosevelt used this phrase to explain his relations with domestic political leaders and his approach to such issues as the regulation of monopolies and the demands of trade unions.