The surface layer of the water freezes solid creating a barrier that insulates the ice below so that it keeps a steady temperature usually a few degrees above freezing (32 degrees).
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is secrete by the embryo early in pregnancy to keep the corpus luteum for dying. This positive feedback will maintain the corpus luteum, which secretes Progesterone and Estrogens throughout pregnancy, in order to keep the endometrium well to nourish the embryo/fetus.
When ATP loses a phosphate, energy is released and ADP is formed
Tolerance is the capacity of an organism to survive changes in certain environmental and biochemical conditions. It has to with changes an organism is able to withstand when is subjected to certain factors which can biotic or abiotic.
For example, in the consumption of alcohol, tolerance can occur when there is a fast elimination of alcohol from the body system. This is usually as a result of the activation of a group of enzymes that is responsible for the metabolism of alcohol in excessive alcohol drinkers. The activation of this enzymes increases the catabolism of alcohol and hence reduces the active time within the body, hence reducing the time by which alcohol intoxicates.