Judge Barry Stuart created and used the Circle Justice
Goodness, contention, and wisdom are what she seem to think is the theme of her aunt's story. You can consider this line from the story as a detail to support it: "finally saved from a mad bull by a number of rescuers who admired her moral character."
That's actually pretty easy it wasn't her time to get door which hence didn't get a gift because he was going to be the leader of the marigal family just like abuela because doesn't have a gift but rules the house and is the leader, she is getting older and the Casita has chosen Mirabel to be the next leader which is why she didn't get a gift.
It was sunny that Friday morning, I had just received my paycheck and I was on my way to go shopping.
I was confident, I was happy, I felt uninhibited because I felt powerful due to the new amount reflecting on my account balance and I was on my way to splurge some cash.
Little did I know that I was menstruating that day and was not prepared for it. I greeted people loudly as I got to the store and entered to make my purchases. Nobody told me I had a red stain on my skirt and it was the kind security man that called my attention to it, with almost a sad smile, "You're messed up, girl".
It was very humiliating to think that people had been laughing at me all these while and I was feeling so confident. I had never felt so embarrassed in my life.