Exercise 1:
The correct answer is c<em>. Planché. </em>
The reason is that the question is remarking that this situation happened yesterday and that the action was made by the first person singular.
So, the verb<em> "planchar" </em>that in English is <em>"to iron"</em> is conjugated correctly in the past simple for the first person singular in option <u><em>c. Planché</em></u><em>,</em> while option<em> b. planchó </em>is in the past simple but for the third person singular. Option <em>a. plancho</em> is in the first person singular but in the present simple. And option <em>d. Voy a planchar</em> is in the first person singular but in future continuos (in Spanish is<em> "futuro próximo"</em>).
Exercise 2:
The sentence is <u><em>false</em></u> because it is referring to a <em>doble</em> room, which by definition is a room with two beds only, not three.
Exercise 3:
1. The correct answer is <em>"Uso </em><em><u>la escoba</u></em><em> para barrer"</em> (I use <em><u>the broom</u></em> to sweep). For the broom <em>is the proper instrument that works for cleaning the floor or</em> <em>sweeping.</em>
2. The correct answer is<em> "Pongo los platos sucios en </em><u><em>la cocina</em></u><em>"</em> (I place dirty dishes in <u><em>the</em></u> <u><em>kitchen</em></u>) because kitchen is the place where food is cooked and retained, and <em>dishes are kept and cleaned. </em>
3. The correct answer is <em>"Uso</em><em><u> la lavadora</u></em><em> para lavar la ropa" </em>(I use <u><em>the washing machine</em></u> to wash laundry). For the washing machine is the proper laundry appliance <em>for cleaning dirty clothes </em>with soap or detergent.
4. The correct answer is <em>"Uso</em><em><u> la plancha</u></em><em> para planchar la ropa" </em>(I use <u><em>the iron</em></u> to iron clothes"). Because the iron is the proper home appliance that is used for straighten clothes.
5. The correct answer is <em>"Pongo </em><em><u>la ropa sucia</u></em><em> en la lavadora" </em>(I put <em><u>laundry </u></em>in the washing machine), for the washing machine is used for cleaning dirty clothes, and any other thing that we introduce in it would probably break the machine, so only laundry is the correct answer.
6. The correct answer is <em>"Tiro </em><u><em>la basura</em></u><em> en el basurero"</em> (I trash <em><u>garbage</u></em> to the dump). Because dumps are recipients that hold garbage only so it can be later put away as waste.
7. The correct answer is <em>"Cuando estoy en la cocina, me lavo las manos en </em><em><u>el fregadero</u></em><em>" </em>(When I am in the kitchen, I wash my hands in <em><u>the sink</u></em>). For the sink is an instrument for washing dishes but that can be used for personal cleanliness when you do not want to go to the bathroom.