Economic markets will regulate themselves without government interference.
Smith favors free markets and the system of capitalism.
capitalism: the economic system in which free markets operate and are motivated by the investment of individuals who wish to see profits accrue from business enterprise
He trusts an "invisible hand" that causes markets to regulate themselves. Smith also supports laissez-faire economic policies. In this approach, the government does not interfere in a nation's economy.
1)- Julieta lives in Argentina, a Latin American country. Argentina's winterime takes place between June and August, which are the coldest months in the country. The different seasons of the year vary according to the location of each country in the hemisphere. For example, Alaska's winters are longer than the winters of South American countries, which in turn have shorter winters but larger summers.
2)- Bruna lives in Brazil. As this is a Latin American country, the activities that Bruna gets involved in during her spare time, are closely related to her cultural background. Brazil is well known for its carnivals, local dances, great number of sea beaches, and its gastronomic products. This might have influenced Bruna's activities after school.
Los principales beneficiados fueron los imperios coloniales europeos.
Al principio, los beneficiados fueron Portugal y España, los primeros estados europeos en formar imperios coloniales.
En los siglos posteriores, Francia, Países Bajos, y en especial, el Reino Unido, entraron en la escena colonial y formaron enormes imperios que aún influyen en el mundo de hoy en día.
El Reino Unido en particular tuvo el imperio más grande de la historia durante el siglo XIX, y principios del siglo XX.