That machine gun was first let out in the mid 1900’s and it changed the way of fighting from the one shot reloaders that they had before this invention. This gun changed the nature fighting by allowing more rounds to be produced at the enemies causing more to be dead. This gun helped kill off more people and helped gain more accuracy in the creation of guns til this day.
I hope this helps!
If the US lost the American revolution, I'd think you would end up seeing a similar relationship that the UK had with Canada, Australia, etc.
The immediate consequences would have resulted in the founding fathers executions or imprisonment. Some like Franklin, who were seen as more worldly may have kept their freedom but overall all those guys probably would be done as political actors. The British would have made the colonies pay for much of the cost of the war and the continued stationing of massive amounts of solders.
Over time the British would have probably continued to expand their control over the lands between the Appalachians and the Mississippi, resulting in a series of further colonies. Many of these colonies would be simple expansions of already existing colonies like New York, Pennsylvania and Virgina. I believe all three had claims to lands West of the Appalachians, claims that had to be dealt with and truncated in the new America, but may have been left alone in a 19th century British colonial America.
Britain sent a peace mission to Bhutan in early 1864, in the wake of the recent conclusion of a civil war there, under Ashley Eden.[1] The dzongpon of Punakha – who had emerged victorious – had broken with the central government and set up a rival Druk Desi while the legitimate druk desi sought the protection of the penlop of Paro and was later deposed. The British mission dealt alternately with the rival penlop of Paro and the penlop of Trongsa (the latter acted on behalf of the druk desi), but Bhutan rejected the peace and friendship treaty it offered partially because of the previous unilateral British annexation of some Assam duars. Britain declared war in November 1864. Bhutan had no regular army, and what forces existed were composed of dzong guards armed with matchlocks, bows and arrows, swords, knives, and catapults. Some of these dzong guards, carrying shields and wearing chainmail armor, engaged the well-equipped British forces.
Storming of Dewangiri fort.
The fort, known at the time as Dewangiri, at Deothang was dismantled by the British during 1865. The British initially suffered a humiliating defeat at Deothang and when they recaptured Dewangiri they destroyed much in an attempt to compensate.
The Duar War lasted only five months and, despite some battlefield victories by Bhutanese forces which included the capture of two howitzer guns, resulted in the loss of 20% of Bhutan's territory, and forced cession of formerly occupied territories.[2] Under the terms of the Treaty of Sinchula, signed 11 November 1865, Bhutan ceded territories in the Assam Duars and Bengal Duars, as well as the 83 km² of territory of Dewangiri in southeastern Bhutan, in return for an annual subsidy of 50,000 rupees. The Treaty of Sinchula stood until 1910, when Bhutan and British India signed the Treaty of Punakha, effective until 1947.