It is true that the information provided in text aids can help us to understand a text's content before we even read it.
These text aids will contain bits and pieces from the text, which will make us understand the overall message even before we actually get down to going through the text itself. I believe it is better to actually read the text, and try to understand it on your own, before going to these aids for help.
The question above wants to assess your interpretation of conic shapes and sections in art and architecture. For that reason, I can't write an answer for you, but I'll show you how to write it.
The conical sections can be seen in structures that assume one of the shapes considered conical. These formats are easy to identify, especially in architecture, where they are very popular. These shapes can be classified as Parabola, Circle, Ellipse, and Hyperbole
In this case, to write your answer, you should search for architectural works or works of art that present one of these types of conic sections and show how the use of this format is important for these works.
Some examples of works that use conic sections are:
- Parabola: Eiffel Tower.
- Circle: Farmer's Cottage Deluxe Summer House
- Ellipse: Tycho Brahe Planetarium.
- Hyperbole: McDonnell Planetarium
More information:
Data processing occurs when data is collected and translated into usable information. Usually performed by a data scientist or team of data scientists, it is important for data processing to be done correctly as not to negatively affect the end product, or data output.Any use of computers to perform defined operations on data can be included under data processing.
embedded system
Based on the scenario being described within the question it can be said that the type of software that is being described is known as an embedded system. This is actually a combination of both hardware and software that focuses on a specific function which is later implemented into a much larger system to allow it to become "smarter", by performing more complex tasks, which would otherwise not be possible.