Before the government provided welfare programs like home visits from social workers and food stamps, women reformers pioneered outreaches into poor, urban, and immigrant communities. Through their work in clubs, women established settlement houses that served as outposts to promote social welfare.
I think it's because slavery costs less...just a guess.
Great Britain and France
"On May 19, 1916, representatives of Great Britain and France secretly reach an accord, known as the Sykes-Picot agreement, by which most of the Arab lands under the rule of the Ottoman Empire are to be divided into British and French spheres of influence with the conclusion of World War I"
The Central Asiatic Expeditions took place between 1921 and 1930. Led by Roy Champman Andrews who had a team of forty people, including scientists, drivers and assistants, they managed to collect a lot of objects for the American Museum of Natural History in addition to making many groundbreaking discoveries such as the first dinosaur eggs. However, these expeditions went into Mongolia with the main purpouse to explore the Gobi Desert, seek the ancestry of man (search for fossils of Human ancestors), and study the natural history of the region.