So, it depends on how many decimals are both numbers, but you wanna make sure that the divisor (is that what that called) is not a decimal.
so, if your question is 10.5 / 1.5,
you wanna make sure 1.5 is a whole number,
so you just change 1.5 into 15, by moving the decimal point to the back.
but this is unbalanced. so when you move the decimal point 1 step further, you wanna make sure the number youre dividing does it too.
so there you go, 105 / 15, and calculate that normally.
if your question is 15.015 / 1.5, you don't need to make 10.05 a while number, just make it to 150.15 / 15, as long 15 is a whole number, then ur fine. when you calculate that, follow the picture.