Speech use tone of groups, and tone group can convey only one idea. writing uses sentences and a sentence can contain several ideas.
Ok 3 words for Ulysses Ineluctable Bladderwrack Embattle
He could not ineluctably leave from where he was.
We had to make a batch of Bladderwrack to help with our plantings.
We were not ready for the Embattle, but we prepared the best we could.
Lady of Shalott Casement Bower Eaves
We could hear the rain running off the Eaves of the house.
I saw a bird sitting on the casement of the window.
Meet me in my bower to discuss details privately.
C. In the ancient world, Rome was the center of a powerful empire.
However, it gradually lost its strength, and in 410 CE it was
invaded and practically destroyed. What factors contributed to
Rome's downfall? Why did it find itself unable to defend its own
The first question asks what the cause of Rome's downfall was. In the second sentence the effect is Rome was invaded and destroyed.
One disadvantage of using a company’s tuition reimbursement program is that you may have to extend your contract with the company