Where it was headquarted you ask? it was in Kamakura
finance companies
real estate developers
A Municipal Utility District or MUD is the political subdivision of Texas State which is controlled by the government of Texas and it functions to provide drainage, sewage, water and other services that are related to utilities within the MUD area.
All these utilities including public toilets and drainage systems are made and provided to the public with the financial help of the finance companies. They are created and developed by various real estate developers and construction companies. So these companies are likely to benefit most from MUDs.
A country divided by water is island
The answer is Piaget's autonomous morality stage.
The influential psychologist Jean Piaget believed that children developed their morality in stages. The first was the heteronomous morality stage (between 5 and 9 years) where morality is imposed from the outside largely by authority figures like parents and teachers. The autonomous morality stage begins at around age 9 or 10 when children begin to recognize there is no absolute right or wrong. Piaget observed that children at this stage tend to base moral judgments on the intention of the actor rather than the consequences of the actions
. They also think of hypothetical circumstances that might affect whether a rule should be applied or not. At this age the peer group of the child widens and they learn more about the morality of others and their own ideas begin to change.