The latitude of Athens, Greece is 37.983810, and the longitude is 23.727539. Athens, Greece is located at Greece country in the Cities place category with the gps coordinates of 37° 59' 1.7160'' N and 23° 43' 39.1404'' E. Athens, Greece elevation is 72 meters height, that is equal to 236 feet.
Answer: The Push-Pull Factors are those that drive people away from a place and draw people to a new location.
These factors can determine migration or immigration of particular populations. It can be conflict, drought, famine, or extreme religious activity. Poor economic activity and lack of job opportunities.
Push factors are the forceful, demanding that makes a person or group of people leave one country for another.
Pull factors are the positive aspects of a different country that can encourage people to immigrate waiting for a better life.
FDR's New Deal programs were created to combat poverty that had been brought on by the Great Depression.
This eurocentric idea not only denies us all of a full understanding of human history by erasing Africa´s role as the birthplace of human and civilized life but is also the basis for racism in the present.
Furthermore, it leads to the distortion of both African traditional religions and scientific ideas.
The eurocentric appropriation and even erasure of African history lead to a distorted conception of history that denies Africa as the cradle of ancient Egyptian civilization which is a key element to understand human development.
It also is the basis of racist ideas that served slavery in the past and is still present today.
Finally, the European philosophies and technological development have been profoundly influenced by Africa, and this appropriation has been the basis for an exploitative system that doesn´t recognize Africa´s role in religious ideas and scientific concepts that are still relevant in the present.