Throughout the novel 1984, the protagonist, Winston Smith, goes under a wild change in personality and actions. Winston went from being an ordinary citizen, to a rebel, and finally to a pawn. Winston went through this change because of the power of the Party and his own irrational actions
The attributes which make any type of government unique are it's characteristic. As a government form, some characteristics of a welfare state are a benefit and some are not.
B. The right for people to follow any religion
Hope this helps!
Hormones. Other possible causes of mood swings may stem from an imbalance of the brain chemicals that are associated with mood regulation, as in the case of bipolar disorder. However, a person's risk for depression is increased during these times as well, so mood swings can also be a sign of a mental health condition.
I believe it to show some source of burning or chaos,sorry if this did not help