Hover for more information. Lyddie feels sad when Charlie leaves, because she will miss him and Rachel. Since their mother left, Lyddie has been alone most of the time. When Charles tells her that he has a new family and offers to take Rachel, Lyddie feels lonely.
jerry's best friend would be the correct answer...
Answer:</h3><h3>Mr.tonny mac</h3><h3>Miss.tonny mac</h3><h3>july 7 ,2020</h3><h3>Absent days from work </h3><h3>I'd like to inform about my absence from work next week since I will be out if the town for two days the next week and three days the following one after that, I will reincorporate to my regular schedule and activities.</h3><h3 />
B) because there was a possibility of their whole day being ruined because of the rain.