The Olive Tree is associated with Athena, Goddess of Wisdom and War. She made it as a gift to the humans, in a fight with Poseidon over a city. She won, and the city was named after her.(Athens)
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I do not share FitzGerald's concern
Explanation: I don't share FitzGerald's concern because I think history is always evolving, there are always new studies that reveal discoveries about ancient history that before were unknown, which make us change our concept about what really happened in that particular moment in time. Every event changes along we study it further. I think the process of history education must change as new perspectives on past events are discovered, this is in constant evolution and we should always be aware of that.
If it go cig it hoct Cafu I ig gist fu oh it if
you're cringe and the answer:
The films are the best way to see the story Charles includes a comedy and the color is black and white cause it was made in the old days but that’s even better cause make your own color. The camera angles you can put them anywhere because they are no camera angles it’s a book…so imagine what you want the book to look like even sounds imagine the character voices oh the lighting is the best part you can imagine the street producing what theater studio.
Explanation: Yw.