Your question is incomplete because you have not provided the last word in number 6, which is:
6. a story or account 5. Publican
1. <u>Narrative</u>: 6. a story or account
2. <u>Manuscript</u>: 2. a handwritten original work as opposed to a printed copy
3. <u>Infallible</u>: 5. not capable of error; never wrong
4. <u>Mercenary</u>: 4. motivated by a greedy desire for money or other gain
5. <u>Origin</u>: 3. source or beginning
6. <u>Publican</u>: 1. a collector of public revenues, taxes, or tolls
A narrative is a written or spoken account. A manuscript refers to a document written by hand rather than typed or printed. Something or someone infallible is incapable of making mistakes. A mercenary is concerned about making money without considering decency or morality. Origin has to do with the place or time in which something begins. Finally, a publican was a tax collector in ancient times.