The solar system shows the planets in their orbits around the sun in this order: Mercury, Venus, Earth with Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn. Fixed stars are around the outside of the orbit of Saturn.
Aristarchus of Samos was an ancient Greek astronomer and mathematician who presented the first known heliocentric model that placed the Sun at the center. So I had to choose the choice that was most similar to that.
The flow velocity, or speed of flow, can influence the shape and rate of erosion of a river system. The cross-sectional shape of a river dictates how much friction will impact the flow of water within a river. Finally, the sediment load, or the amount of rocks and soil in the river, impacts its flow velocity and shape.The velocity of a river is determined by many factors, including the shape of its channel, the gradient of the slope that the river moves along, the volume of water that the river carries and the amount of friction caused by rough edges within the riverbed. Access to a fresh water supply is affected by the following factors: Climate – low levels of rainfall and high temperatures lead to water deficits . When rainfall is low, there is less water available. When temperatures are high, water evaporates and so there is less available to use.

Dry adiabatic lapse rate is defined as:

The air rises 3000 m, that is 3 km.
If it cools
each km its temperature drops approximately
. From 30 to 0.
The correct answer is - a. deposition.
The deltas are formed at the mouths of the rivers right before they enter a large water body, like ocean, sea, or lake. The rivers carry lot of material with them, and they do not have any problem carrying it while they are moving faster, but when they are slowing down significantly, they lose the force required to carry the material, so the material starts to deposit on the river banks. As the material deposits, it makes it hard for all of the river's water to pass through its river bed that is becoming partially blocked, so the river starts to branch out, and seen from above it takes a triangular shape if the peripheries are outlined, or as a tree that is branching out.