if you choose not to attend college, one likely scenario would be you picking up a job. Say you get a job out of high school for $35k per year. After four years you’ve earned about $140k (without any increases in wage or bonuses).
What happens if you go to school? Let’s assume your yearly tuition and expenses is $30k and you choose to put your head down and graduate within four years. Let's say you choose to stay completely focused on school and do not work while in college.
After four years you are out $120k right? Well… yes, but this is where opportunity cost comes in. Because you chose to go to college instead of working, your opportunity cost is actually the sum of your college expenses plus the money you could have earned had you chosen not to work. Your opportunity cost to attend college is $260k.
Please can you mark as brainliest?
it's the one where he visits the land of the dead near the beginning
Basically look at the options and say them out loud. If it sounds like a full complete sentence, its a dependent clause. It can be its own sentence!
In this case, that option is B. Hope this helps!
(I would appreciate it if you helped me by making this the brainliest answer)
<u>It helps the writers visualize the inside of a black hole. </u>
<em>The other options can described bluntly and scientifically with just names and numbers. </em>
If the writer were to use more formal writing to describe things so abstract like a black hole, it would be hard for the common reader to understand.
for example,
The black hole looks like a giant vacuum of nothingness (informal)
The black hole is like a mass whose Schwarzchild radius is outside of itself (formal)
Which is easier to understand? Most likely the first one because of the use of informal language and writing.
Hope I helped!