<span>When using sensory language, what this means
is that you should use language that covers as many of the five senses as
possible. What this means is that you
should use adjectives that cover sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste. Of course, the more senses you can include,
the better. This is the case because
since readers were not there to experience what you did, by including
descriptors of as many senses as possible, you will be able to provide the best
picture for them to visualize as they read your descriptions. </span>
In Robert Browning's "My Last Duchess," the speaker praises the quality of excessive generosity, or munificence.
Answer: False, While Narratives are more commonly fictional, they can also on occasion be true.
Don't be afraid of the word "racist"
Call out loved ones when they say or do racist things
Don't make the trials and tribulations of minorities all about you
Apologize if you need to
Racist jokes aren't funny, so don't laugh
Stop saying that you "don't see color"
Get to know Black history
Approach the legacy of Martin Luther King...