Me don't know me friend༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
Answer: President Dwight Eisenhower proclaimed standards for flying the American flag at half staff on March 1, 1954. Prior to this date, there were no official rules for flying the flag at half staff, which led to policies that differed from area to area.
What if there’s a flood there like in a bowl
The Homestead Act was a series of laws that were passed that allowed individuals and families to acquire federal land easily at little to no cost. This created an economic incentive for individuals to move Westward or to inhabit "empty" federal lands that had not been bought or were uncontrolled by other individuals. The goal was to create "homesteads" in uninhabited lands so that the lands would be populated by families and individuals.
Plato and Aristotle
Plato was knows for his theorys on forms, which was metaphysical. He was known as the "maker of mathmeticians"
Aristotle was known for lots of things like logic, physics, biology, botany and alot more