Bradbury is trying to show how this society is constantly bombarded with media. In this case, it's advertisements pounding them into a passive state. No one on the train is talking or interacting. They are just sitting listening to the advertisement like they are being brainwashed into buying denham's dentifrice. In contrast to this Montag is trying to read a passage from the Bible about letting go of material things (including Denham's dentifrice). This juxtaposition between the natural world and materialism further shows how society is so wrapped up in media that they are unaware of the world around them.
William is a boy in Margot’s class, and he acts as a ringleader for the other students. Because he is jealous of Margot’s experiences, he discredits her when she talks about the sun and tries to provoke her into fighting with him. William vents his frustration by getting the other children to help him lock Margot in a closet during the brief time that the sun is out.
yeahh :)
Answer: Johnson died of cancer
According to TIMES, Stanford economists Stefanos Zenios and colleagues have demonstrated that the average value of a year of quality human life is about $129,000. It concludes that the grand total of material cost for a typical human body is a meager $160. The result: theoretically, your body worths up to $45million.