The first one: c. He gave his own goats just sufficient food to keep them alive, but fed the strangers more abundantly in the hope of enticing them to stay with him and of making them his own.
The second one: d. “As he had a compassionate heart he pulled out his needle and thread, and sewed her together.” and e. “…but as the tailor used black thread, all beans since then have a black seam.”
The main reasons why the Germans<span> hated the </span>Treaty of Versailles<span> was because they thought it was unfair. </span>Germany<span> had not taken part in the Conference. The </span>terms were<span> imposed upon </span>Germany<span> – when </span>Germany disagreed, the Allies threatened to go to war again. according to--<span></span>
its effective causs its speaking on another person and he but details behind it
Mildred is cool!!!
Jk. Who is Mildred?