King's claim in this passage is that a "determined legal and nonviolent pressure" must be mounted to end segregation in Birmingham.
A claim is an assertion or a statement that something or an event is correct as stated. A claim may not be true. It is therefore subject to proof. That is why claims usually require evidence to substantiate them. For instance, in preparing a set of financial statements, the principal officers (the chief executive and the chief financial officers) make assertions (claims) that the information presented therein is factual, fair, and truthful, etc. Such assertions remain mere claims until they are proved to be true. This is why external auditors, who are supposedly, independent of the management of the company, are expected to confirm or disconfirm such claims before the financial statements can be relied upon for any decision.
King using the phrase "flight's ground crew" refers to the people who have sacrificed a lot to make the freedom movement take flight. They are the people who have given their all but are not recognized for their sacrifices.
He uses the word "scuffed" to show the frustration of the tenants.
Option C.
The Grape of the wrath described the dust bowl which occurred in the thirties which were because of this also known as the dirty thirties. This was the time when there was tough time on the people, loss of life and property, falling down of the economy.
One of the most sufferers during this time were the tenant farmers who used to farm on the farms of other people. They got frustrated with the situation and were leading a very tough life.
To solve an equation.
That was what she was struggling with