2000 is approximately hours are spent each year
Total pay is : $909.44
$15. 68/2 = 7.84 times 8 = 627.20
15.68 times 2 = 31.36 times 7 = 219.52
$627.20 +$ 62.72 + $219.52 = $ 909.44
Expenses, Losses, Income and Gains are associated with nominal accounts.
d. Credit to Accounts Receivable.
Hutley Inc. is not going to pay the $8,000 to Searcy, therefore Searcy will make the following entry to write off the balance from Account Receivables.
Debit: Allowance for Doubtful Accounts $8,000
Credit: Accounts Receivables $8,000
To write-off Hutley Inc. receivables.
By increasing the amount of money in the economy, the central bank encourages private consumption. Increasing the money supply also decreases the interest rate, which encourages lending and investment. The increase in consumption and investment leads to a higher aggregate demand.
It is important for policymakers to make credible announcements. If private agents (consumers and firms) believe that policymakers are committed to growing the economy, the agents will anticipate future prices to be higher than they would be otherwise. The private agents will then adjust their long-term plans accordingly, such as by taking out loans to invest in their business. But if the agents believe that the central bank’s actions are short-term, they will not alter their actions and the effect of the expansionary policy will be minimized.