Between 1808 and 1826 all of Latin America except the Spanish colonies of Cuba and Puerto Rico slipped ... Many Creoles (those of Spanish parentage but who were born in America) felt Bourbon policy to be an unfair ...
Christian missionary activity caused cultural tension with traditional Chinese views.- third choice
Japanese and European spheres of influence gave foreigners special privileges.- second choice
Chinese rulers resisted European attempts to introduce an industrial economy.-first choice
1. It Is a clear expression of fake democracy. The term "free election" doesn't entirely make sense in a country where any distinction between the ruling party and the government has been almost completely erased. Syria is considered a unitary republic with a semi-presidential style of government. However, the controlling parties practice a highly authoritarian regime with most of the political power in the AL-Assad family's hands. People doesn't have more option if the want to "live".
2. If I live in that country, I think I feel like a hostage. Elections over there aren't free, and they're certainly not fair. The resulting optics are not democratic enough. They buy the government a minimum of democratic credibility abroad without seriously imperiling its hold on power.
It made the United States of America a super power
It put Germany into a horrible depression
It brought technology 70 years of progress
Treaty of Versailles made Germany pay for the war
I hoped this helped