It looks like promising to do something but there are hidden conditions.
When I looked at the cartoon, I read Education is the future. That I wholly agreed with. However, when I saw that the writing behind the shirt read STATE BUDGET. The additional information "going to be a priority sometime" made sense. Politicians would rather spend on something that will make people remember them in the next election rather than allocate money for the education of the children who are the next generation's leaders.
It is like a politician during an election when he promises something for the sake of saying something that the people wanted to hear. He says things to ensure his victory and when he wins said election, those promises will no longer be fulfilled because of a lot of red-tape, no budget, etc.
I think that this means that even if you're technically in the geographically best and socially highest place in the inside you may not behave properly. So even if those that are given to you are great, if you cannot represent them, they have no reason to deserve them.
You are fit if u see u have muscles, and that you do not feel any fat on you. qualities are muscles, leaness, energy, and some alloted time for exercise everydy.